NOWBOYZ: Mon, kim
Visual Book 04 Silver Edition
Power is easier to be obtained from human images than humans, it is why advertisements of all kinds of goods are overflowing with the signs of humans. The body of humans is a fountain of unlimited possibility but also mortal being, an impersonal object in capitalism but also an inviolable private territory in terms of law and ethics. This and many other contradictory attitudes about the body arise because, while we can test our consciousness in a Cartesian way, we can never identify the body as our own by reaffirming its temperature, texture, weight, and even heartbeat. Rather, the body reaffirms its ownership while it tries to disappear or separate from someone. In spite of this instability, if the body is the source of power actually, it is not due to itself, but to the tension that the body and the numerous images and objects surrounding form. As running F1 vehicles pull up the personality and instrumentality of humans and things mixing them up, the portraits of men by Mon Kim show that the appearance of men in accelerated media condition proceeds to a hybrid object scraping conventional, cultural, instrumental features, and forms a kind of new order breaking the old suspicion that it sexually objectifies and commercialize the subjects.
00:04 Wheels
00:18 Racetrack
00:36 A Driver
00:52 F1
01:06 Advertisement
01:24 Body
01:50 Racing Car
Printed in June 2022
Published by DEGS
Graphic design by DEGS
Photograph by Monkim
Text by Matty Kwon
Photograph / Image copyright © 2018-2022 Mon Kim
Text copyright © 2022 by Matty Kwon
30" x 22.5"
offset lithography (4-color process, spot silver process)
500 copies limited.
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[4차입고] NOWBOYZ: Visual Book 04 Silver Edition ‘Pit Crew’